June 29, 2024

Could the Parramatta eels make a huge move with Blake Taaffe?

A whole host of Origin stars have been named both in starting 17s and on the extended bench, with coaches set to make decisions on their representative guns come game day.

The Eels and Knights have both named debutants, with the son of Parramatta’s former coach set to be unleashed off the bench.

Meanwhile, Trent Robinson has utilised a left-field option to fill his backline after an injury crisis.

Blake Wilson 3. Bronson Xerri 4. Jacob Kiraz 5. Jeral Skelton 6. Matt Burton 7. Toby Sexton 8. Max King 9. Reed Mahoney 10. Samuel Hughes 11. Viliame Kikau 12. Jaeman Salmon 13. Bailey Hayward 14. Jake Turpin 15. Josh Curran 16. Kurtis Morrin 17. Lipoi Hopoi 19. Jacob Preston 20. Drew Hutchison 21. Eli Clark 22. Harry Hayes 23. Stephen Crichton.

Following Connor Tracey’s omission due to a head knock, Blake Taaffe takes over at fullback. Bronson Xerri returns from a hamstring injury, with Drew Hutchison named in the extended reserves. Origin gun Stephen Crichton has also been named on the extended bench and could be a late inclusion, while Jacob Preston (foot) will also be monitored for the remainder of the week.

William Kennedy 2. Sione Katoa 3. Jesse Ramien 4. Kayal Iro 5. Ronaldo Mulitalo 6. Braydon Trindall 7. Nicho Hynes 8. Toby Rudolf 9. Blayke Brailey 10. Oregon Kaufusi 11. Briton Nikora 12. Siosifa Talakai 13. Cameron McInnes 14. Jack Williams 15. Royce Hunt 16. Thomas Hazelton 17. Tuku Hau Tapuha 18. Daniel Atkinson 19. Jesse Colquhoun 20. Mawene Hiroti 21. Teig Wilton 22. Jayden Berrell

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