July 1, 2024

How are you feeling about Newcastle United at the minute?

Three ‘new’ faces will hope to make an major impact at Newcastle United when the new season gets underway.

It used to a be phrase that would either provoke sarcastic sniggers or send a shiver down the spines of Newcastle United supporters.

Back in the days when Alan Pardew was patrolling the touchline at St. James’ Park and Mike Ashley was imposing limited ambition and an austerity plan that would even make a Tory blush, the Magpies used to treat transfer windows as something akin to a Boxing Day sale at one of their owners’ sportswear stores.

There were success stories in the transfer market as the likes of Yohan Cabaye and Demba Ba became success stories on Tyneside – but they time in black and white was always limited as an even modest offer would turn the St. James’ Park hierarchy into all-too willing sellers.

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