September 16, 2024

TRAGEDY: Dak Prescott’s has been suspended and banned from the NFL games after he…

The brother of Dallas Cowboys star Dak Prescott had some interesting remarks about the quarterback’s future with the team following their early exit from the playoffs.

Tad Prescott wrote on X that the issue for him and the quarterback was the fan base and the critical reaction to the Cowboys’ games was getting too much.

“Cowboy fans why continue to DM me TRUST ME, if I could get @dak to leave Dallas I would. I too want him out of Dallas,” Tad Prescott wrote. “The city and organization have been great to he and our family, but done with drama and the so called fans, but he loves this team, and wants to bring it rings.

“Those who really follow or know me, knows I have never spoken badly about the @dallascowboys as an organization or team, I’ve never spoken badly about a player on the team or the city of Dallas. It’s the so called fans I have an issue with.”

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